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A snip of text for those who crave every thing they can get to help them read the tea leaves....
Samsung brand name as well as the model number which is listed as SM-R365. This is similar to the model number of the Gear Fit2 which was SM-R360,
It not just a random #, so that was useful....
and it certainly looks like a new Gear Fit wearable, complete with a heart rate sensor and all.
I was happy that they at least showed the bottom of the device....as that is where the sensors are.....It is more Fit 2 in form than Simband. Thats Good, the Simband was NOT intended to be a nice sleek design...ugly?
with every tidbit run the duck test again.
PS just for fun...the battery killer for many fitness devices is what?
The heart rate sensors.
5. Turn off the heart rate monitor
If you're not interested in the Apple Watch tracking your heart rate every couple of minutes, you can disable the heart rate monitor. While the heart rate monitor constantly checking your pulse improves the accuracy of calorie estimations, it does take up a significant chunk of battery power to do so.
You can turn it off by heading to the Motion & Fitness menu in the Privacy settings of the companion app. While you're there, you can also turn off fitness tracking if the fitness elements of the watch aren't vital to you.
so just maybe this is the area where the sensor change was.....to raise the bar in this part of the device.....we will see.
This word popped into my head as I wrote this post...
Agnosia is a loss of ability to recognize objects, persons, sounds, shapes or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss...
Duck agnosia must be theoretically possible?
just kidding?
This Brian F. snip keeps playing...
This watch is not going to be like the other ones that have been shipped in the market.
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