I chose this term on purpose. Its a good idea to adapt to this in the big pic of life, well beyond trying to apply it to just QUIK.
I will tiptoe around this as I don't want to make some here angry.
but it applied to me so it went like this.....
Learned optimism is the idea in positive psychology that a talent for joy, like any other, can be cultivated. It is contrasted with learned helplessness. Learning optimism is done by consciously challenging any negative self talk.
I was in the helpless category for a few yrs. and made a decision to learn, read, read, read, big shift for me was that refrain of mine.
the AP ( adjacent possible). Neg stuff could get in my head, like those songs that sometimes keep playing over several days.
No more....
every bit of incremental info IS useful. So once I add incremental info I do NOT discount it. Each little bit is useful.
What incremental things have I learned just recently- in no order.
1. Telefonica at MWC- very useful and there are forces, vision of some carriers that do give a good reason for mandates for flagships and always on voice.
The certain feature- It is more specific than that- Its mandates for always on voice on Flagship smartphones.
So even here we are NOT waiting only for a Japanese carrier, if they dont do it maybe telefonica will....Its NOT just one guy.
2. Samsung patent application for the noninvasive BP watch.
just know Samsung IS serious about health wearables.
It helped me form the right picture of these NDA- ALL tier 1s are the same- and similar in some way to to Apple.
Tier 1 wearable
Tier 1 IoT player
Significant OEMs/ brand names.
Just dont say very much, dont even try to be vague as it might lead to a slip up-someone like me might find it &
create trouble for them..

notice how the madate for always on voice was scripted to become- a certain feature. That was for a reason
3. Voice, voice, voice-there is enough info here how powerful, pervasive, and that its the input into digital assistants.
This CES- the best one for QUIK in its history- I have a mental pic of a new blog entry like the one of Sept 6.
the blog of sept 6
I am pleased to state we have seen a substantial increase in hearable engagements during the last four weeks. To keep pace with this demand, we’ve recently added three senior-level positions for product management
something like this...pick a date....this spring
I am pleased to state we have continued to expand in hearable engagements during the last six weeks since CES and MWC as we work toward the IoV that is the future.....
To the casual reader, the above is just made up- but if I do stuff like this it is a good way to do what?
consciously challenging any negative self talk.
Voice is so powerful that every month could see significant changes to the pipe....
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